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Our Relationship With Technology

    Social media platforms have become increasingly more popular the past few years. Platforms such as Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat give influencers the chance to express themselves, be an advocate for the things they are passionate about, and share a glimpse into their lives. As an influencer with around 100,000 followers, I understand the content that I post is going to be viewed by many. Reflecting on my social media, posts, analytics, and how I am perceived is something I do on a daily basis due to the fact my income comes from the traction on my media accounts.  It is without a doubt that there are mixed perspectives of my content based on who is looking at my social media. For the career field that I want to go into being streetwear fashion design and modeling, my social media provides a portfolio of my talents positively. 

A big part of my social media accounts includes empowering women by spreading light on body and self positivity. I do this by posting pictures of myself I am not ashamed of, that make me feel confident. In 2019, a study directed by Cohen et al, showed the candid emotional reactions of women who were exposed to body satisfaction Instagram pages. research uncovered that being exposed to body-positive content on Instagram led to heightened levels of both body appreciation (Nelson, et al., 2022). Ever since I can remember, my online presence has stood out to those around me. I vividly remember questioning, from a young age, why societal norms allowed men to be able to share online content, women were bashed and criticized for. As I grew older I soon realized this was due to the unhealthy sexualization of the female body. While some may advocate for modest dressing and concealing to dodge this issue, I've come to realize that avoidance is not the solution I seek.

On my social media accounts, the majority of them are public for everyone to view. However, I believe it is extremely important to be able to control who is able to interact on my accounts. I have the ability to delete any unwanted comments, as well as having a filtered comment section making only appropriate comments uploaded. Ensuring a safe and respectful environment for both myself and others is just as important as sharing my experiences and creativity with a large audience. created an article titled, “Social Media Safety," that gives important tips to insure safety on social media. One of the biggest things to take away from the article is to learn how to manage one's content by utilizing blocking and reporting features. There are tips available on RAINN’s website that help one approach filtering their content (RAINN, 2024). This is important due to the early age children are starting to create and be active on social media, such as I did. 

After watching the Youtube videos under the final post tab, it is clear that people, especially children, need to be more cautious about their social media use due to several risks. Spending too much time on social media can result in problems including sleep disturbances, low self-worth from comparing oneself to others,  cyberbullying, and even suicide. Using social media too much could alter their understanding of reality and negatively affect their mental well-being. In order to support their general development and well-being, parents and guardians should keep an eye on and provide guidance for their children's online activities. They should also encourage a good balance between virtual and offline experiences. My parents have always been continuous with my social media use, due to being online so much, and I appreciate the advice they have given me, so I can be safe online but still make rewarding content. 

When looking up my name on the internet, nothing personal comes up because I do not use my real name on my accounts. I found out at an early age I have the same name as a famous actor. However, when looking up my social media usernames online, my accounts pop up immediately, along with videos and pictures from other peoples accounts that I am tagged in. The dictionary definition of an influencer revolves around the idea of anyone or thing that influences another "Influencer" (Oxford English Dictionary Online, 2024). Personally, I view being an influencer in society today as using one's platform to market things such as brands, or products for a company. For me, this is a positive, because it can lead to traction on my accounts which results in sponsorships, collaborations, and a higher income. Just this past year, I have worked with popular fashion and lifestyle companies including, Sherri Hill, Motel Rocks, Cloudy, Bloom Nutrition, and Joy & Mario Footwear. Collaborating with dependable brands increases exposure but also provides exciting opportunities to showcase one's unique style. (Hecto, 2024) 

As a future professional, it is important for an individual to take a step back and seek what they hope to get out of their social media for their future employment. For many, this is to look professional, or even show companies their interests have similar parallels with the company's values or goals. For seniors in high school hoping to make a good impression for potential colleges, or job opportunities, I would give the advice of “Stay true to yourself online in the most positive and beneficial way you possibly can for your desired future.” By empowering women and promoting body positivity on social media, I hope to contribute to a broader conversation in society. I use my platform to work with respectable brands and show off my distinct style, all the while upholding a safe and respectful online community. I understand the value of managing my social media presence with my career goals as I navigate my future in streetwear fashion design and modeling.

How different people use social media:


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