Social media platforms have become increasingly more popular the past few years. Platforms such as Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat give influencers the chance to express themselves, be an advocate for the things they are passionate about, and share a glimpse into their lives. As an influencer with around 100,000 followers, I understand the content that I post is going to be viewed by many. Reflecting on my social media, posts, analytics, and how I am perceived is something I do on a daily basis due to the fact my income comes from the traction on my media accounts. It is without a doubt that there are mixed perspectives of my content based on who is looking at my social media. For the career field that I want to go into being streetwear fashion design and modeling, my social media provides a portfolio of my talents positively. A big part of my social media accounts includes empowering women by spreading light on body and self positivity. I do this by pos...